
Wednesday 27 May 2020

Ending Plastic

  1. What do we have a responsibility for? 
  1. To look after the earth. 
  2. To care for animals 
  3. To keep the earth safe and clean 
  4. All of the above 

   2. But, plastic is strong and durable because it was made to last. What does the word   durable mean?
  1. Single-use 
  2. Hard-wearing 
  3. Long-lasting 
  4. Never-ending 

   3. Number these events to show the order in which they happen. 
  1. Humans buy and use a lot of plastic. 2
  2. Plastic is made. 1 
  3. Plastics is durable so takes hundreds of years to decompose 4
  4. Humans throw away plastic 3
  5. Plastic breaks into tiny pieces which end up in our streams, rivers, oceans. 5

  4. Name three ways that plastic is threatening our planet. 
  1. It’s hurting our sea-life and land animals lives
  2. The plastic is getting into our  oceans, rivers and streams. 
  3. The plastic is contributing to all of the many other ecosystems, air-pollution and other problems in the world. 

5. Find and copy a phrase or sentence which tells you that plastic pollution can hurt animals.
   The amount of plastic on the planet is, poisoning and injuring marine life, and can ake other animals ill

6. Why is it better to reduce your use of plastic rather than to recycle plastic? 
  I think it’s because we can cut down n just recycling and because even recycled items can end up in our swas, oceans and rivers.

7. What one thing could you do today to help reduce plastic pollution? 
  Use anything that doesn't include plastic, for example like bamboo, cardboard and other things. This is because anything that's disposable is easily eco friendly.. 

8. In your own words, explain what plastic pollution is. 

In my own words plastic pollution is something that is very life-threatening to all animals, landscapes, beaches and it’s clogging landfills all thanks to us humans. 

Samoan Phrases

Here are some Samoan phrases that I thought were useful, now as you can see there are not many here but I picked out the phrases I thought would help you out

Monday 25 May 2020

How to make Pani Popo

                            all of this information belongs to

One of my favourite deserts we make at home are Korean donuts

Saturday 23 May 2020

5 Things that are Special about my Family

This piece of artwork as I like to call all of my work. This post is bout my family and what are some special things aout my family. Well since you are reading this at the same time what are some special things about your family??. Well eNoJy rEaDiNg.


hAvE A nIcE dAy :)

Friday 22 May 2020

The real Lord of The Flies - Survival Skills

This right here my dear friend is survival skills that I think everybody should have especially if you end up being stranded in the middle of nowhere. I think these skills will be able to help you out, so stop for a few and take sometime out of your day to read what this has to say.