
Tuesday 30 June 2020

Veggie/Meat Pizza

Today was an exciting day seeing as it was the last week of term two. As every student entered we were all curious as to what we were making. The lesson proceeds and we finally receive information on what us students were making….veggie/meat pizza’s.

Time skip, we put the pizza into the oven at two-hundred degrees: bake and patiently wait for ten minutes. The class then starts to clean the stations they were using. The pizza’s were done so, they took the trays out and waited for them to cool down. 

Skip to six minutes later, all you see is people finishing the dishes wiping down the benches and sweeping the floor. Then one person from each station takes the pizza’s puts it in tin foil or containers while the other wipes down the tray. 

Another time skip to finishing the class. Students patiently waited as the teacher walked around to see if the benches and oven were clean/wiped down. The feedback from the teachers was fornomanal I can’t wait till next term. 


Today was a good day but I would definitely say that people still don’t know how to listen and that’s a big no no. Some people in the class were also late when it came to putting the pizzas into the oven or some ovens were not working so basically it was working overtime in a way. Other than that I would say today’s meal was a nice way too finish. 

Friday 26 June 2020

Plants That Catch Their Food

Plants That Catch Their Food 
  By Brian Sheldrake 

 True or False 

  1. The Venus flytrap is different from many ordinary plants because it gets its food through it’s roots. F

  1. The bladderwort is different from the Venus flytrap because the bladderwort catches its food underwater. T

  1. The leaves of a Venus flytrap can be compared to the doors of a cage. T

4 with the Venus flytrap and the bladderwort, the tiny hairs on the plants are important aids in catching insects. T

  1. Deadly - (1) - Fatal 
  2. Border, edging (1)- Around 
  3. Short, stiff hairs (1)-Bristles
  4. Opens out, swells (6) - Sucking 
  5. Completely, positively (6)- Amazingly
  6. Fights (7) - Tugs 
  7. Parts that are left (9)- Remains 
  1. Reeds (1)
A- Thins pieces of metal or wood in a musical instrument 
B- Tall grass that grows in wet places 
  1. Rare (3)
A- not cooked much 
B- unusual, not usually found 
  1. Fast (7)
  A- quickly 
  B- Tightly 

Word study 
  1. Defendant : one who Defends 
  2. spoilage : result of Liquid split on the floor 
  3. Contestant : one who takes part in something 
  4. Attendant : one who 
  5. Storage : result of ____
  6. Leakage : result of ______
  7. Consultant : one who ______
  8. Coverage : result of ______

  1. Our cat had a litter of kittens - S

  1. The volcano erupted the letter 

  1. My sister mailed the letter 

  1. That large boat is mine 

  1. The children marched in the parade 

  1. Velma sold her old bike 

  1. Wilma and Randy came to the party. 

  1. Daniel rinsed out the clothes

  1.  The leopard is longer than the koala 

  1. The bear is longer than the leopard 

  1. The panda is only two feet long 

  1. The bear is the longest animal shown on the graph 

  1. The koala is six feet long 

  1. The panda is longer than the koala but shorter than the bear 

  1. The koala is the second-longest animal of the four animals shown 

Mean,Mode,Median and Range

This is the imformation I've gathered this past week about mean,mode,median and range -

Mean -
You have to add all of the numbers together and then divide it by how many numbers are there. 

Median - 
Rearrange  the numbers from smallest to biggest then you see if both sides are even. If there are two numbers in the middle, I have to add them and then divide them by two. 

Mode - 
You look at the most repeated number 

You takeaway the smallest number from the biggest number

Saturday 20 June 2020

Fungus,Virus and Bacteria


Friday 12 June 2020

How I want to be Remembered at Glen Innes School

 Existence is a crazy thing, especially when it comes to wanting to be remembered, When it comes to being remembered everybody has different desires.Personally, I do want to be remembered but not for the reasons some people already have. 

I want to be remembered for being sporty. When I think back to my best memories, it leads me back to sport. But, not all of them are involved with matches we’ve won. I will not be remembered for how many points I've made for my team but there is definitely one reason why. Teamwork. I would say I can work rather well with anybody on the team we play. This means we can all unite when coming up against multiple teams with a variety of different skills. 

Also, teamwork gives me an opportunity to explain/provide strategies. Teamwork as I said, is something I’m quite good at but, there is more that I could learn. For instance, allowing others to give ideas, set different goals, communicate and build trust with each other.

Having a sense of humour is essential in life so this is one footprint I'd like to leave behind. I’d like to say that I'm so funny I’d be a comedian, but I haven't quite reached that level as others say. Meaning that I should build on top of what I already have to make it to the ultimate level. 

Comparing height to someone who is close to 5’9 there would be no way for anyone who has the height of 5’2 or 5’6. I earned the name of being tall and I want to keep it that way. I earned this title for obviously being tall. I'm around the height of 5’9 or 5’10 making me have an advantage against others but there is someone I compete against and as said I’ll do anything to keep my title. 

Honesty is the key to trustworthiness in any relationship or friendship. When it comes to being honest, I’m definitely above that category and have always been, I don't want to stay there. I want to rise to the top. There will be times where it’ll be hard to tell the truth but, in order to rise to the top I'd have to tell the truth no matter the situation. I want to rise to the top by telling the truth, thinking before I speak, saying what I mean and mean what I have said and telling it like it is rather than sugar coating it. 

Reliable people are the best for difficult situations. I fit this category one-hundred percent!!. Everybody comes to me because they know I'm reliable, but I'm not at an expert level. Even though I'm not at that level, I’ll try to get there by being truthful, proactively learning to  communicate , respect mine and other people's time and manage commitments. 

These are my reasons and people didn’t know what they were until now, These qualities will be the reason I’ll be remembered at Glen Innes School. 

Tuesday 2 June 2020

How to make Banana Pikelets

It was the first day back at Tamaki College and we had a special treat that my peers and I made.