
Thursday 6 June 2019

How would the world end if it was up to me?

Wednesday  March 27th
Tittle: How would the world end if it was up to me

I'm the last person on earth with nothing but my old clothes,
I’ve  had a vivid realistic thought go through my head everytime
I fall asleep I think it’s a dream but who knows…. I could be ending the
world with the power i’ve consumed from  beneath the earth itself.

“Wake up, come on get up it’s time for you  to end the world” as my head says,
“i’m awake” I reply,  I have all the power to destroy the world by one click of my
fingers I just don’t know when to use this great power i’ve been given it’s hard to
decide because I want to live but also  there’s absolutely no point because no one
else lives on this earth with me. BOOM! I hear a loud thump from out of nowhere,
I go look and see that something has fallen from out of the sky “I need to  end the
world now”.

It’s been several weeks now and I still can't decide whether or not I  should end
the world so I ask my head what should I do now, muy head replies “You should
end the world now because like you said no one lives  here but you, just end it so
you can be free I mean you want freedom right.” I reply “yes.. but” head says “
not buts just end it already” I replied with “ok” in disbelief.  

I had finnaly ended the world in succeseand nothing was left but space and dust.


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