
Tuesday, 19 December 2017

family sports .

Activity 3 Family fun facts day 3

All family's are the same the are fantastic in a way .

Jolie- Hanging out with friends,going to the pools and exploring new things. 

Hannah- like spending time with her boyfriend,Like going to places and loves swimming .

Tia- Likes playing summer games , She likes cold drinks so she doesn't get hot .

Mum - She like going somewhere cold when she is hot, likes doing family fun days and she even like swimming.

Dad - He like bombing in the 3 meter deep pool , he likes playing games and if he wants a cold drink he would get it .

Me - I like basically doing anything in the summer for example swimming if it gets to hot, jumping into a deep pool  and doing family activities .

Thank you for visiting my page see you next time


Anonymous said...

Hey guys just letting you know that these are all true facts and I hope that you like to bom so I hope you enjoy it .

Anonymous said...

Hey Nastazia
You and your family must really enjoy summer.. In summer, what is a sport that you and your family enjoy to do together and why??

Nicky Bloy said...

Hi Nastazia!

I love your first comment about all families being fantastic in some way and I agree. Each family is unique and different and they are all awesome in their own way.

It's cool to hear about what your family likes doing in the summer break! It sounds like they are active and love the water, and keeping cool. Swimming is definitely one of the best summer activities!

Keep up the wonderful blogging!

Nicky :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you nicky and vedal we all like to play volleyball in the water . Thank you for your amazing comments I wish you both A happy holiday .

Anonymous said...

Hey Nastasia

Your family is very interesting and fun, maybe you all could come together and talk all your favourites, then do the. Great Work Keep it up

Anonymous said...

Greetings Nastazi,

My name is Aletheia and our school is also doing the summer learning journey.
You have did a great job with this blog post.
I really enjoy reading each and one of your fun facts about your family.
Great Job.
I really enjoyed it when you had written down "All families are the same the are fantastic in a way ." and it is true.
Great Job Nastazi.
Can't wait to read more blog post coming from you.


Anonymous said...

Hey Nastizia
I can really see the all of the hard work that you have put into this activity. I also am doing the summer learning journey on my blog. What was your favrioute part about this activity? Why?
Hope you have a merry christmas and a happy new year.

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