
Monday, 1 January 2018

Bill Kini

Bonus activity 8 points - Bill Kini 

If I we're to ask Bill Kini some questions I would ask him these type of questions .

1. Bill when you we're a child did you think of ever entering the Commonwealth  when you we're younger .

2. Who is or was your inspiration to enter the commonwealth and why are or we're you inspiration .

3. Would you ever go to a school and help them train in these two sports . If you did why and how will you train them .

4. Last but not least How can you do these two amazing challenging and hard sports at the same time .

Thank you for you time Bill see you later bye .   


Cadence said...

Hi Nastazia!

Another brilliant post for SLJ! Ka pai!

You would be great at interviewing athletes!! Those would be perfect to ask Bill Kini. I bet he would have some very funny and interesting stories to tell. What do you reckon?

Wouldn’t it be amazing if your favourite athlete came to your school to train you and your friends?
If you could pick out of anyone worldwide, who would you invite to your school?

I look forward to reading more of your posts!

Keep up the great work!

Cadence :)

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