
Monday, 1 January 2018


Activity 2 - My Pepeha 

Tena koe/Koutou katoa

Ko Nastazia tōku ingoa
Ko Maititi te maunga
Ko Waioweka te awa
Ko Opekerau toku marae
Ko Te Whakatohea mea Ngai Tuhoe mea Nga Puhi nga iwi
Ko Ngati Ira mea Ngati Ngahere nga hapu
Ko Mataatua te waka
Ko Toroa toku tangata
Ko Donna toku whaea
Ko Gregory toku matua

No reira
Tena tatou, tena koutou katoa


Ruby SLJ said...

Hi Nastazia,

Ruby here from the Summer Learning Journey team! It's great to see that you've been working through these activities. Well done!

Great work with your pepeha! Have you written yours before? It looks like you may have!

It's very important to know our pepehas I think. This allows us to acknowledge our ancestors and also helps us to understand who we are. What do you think the most important part of a pepeha is?

I look forward to reading more of your blog over the summer. Keep up the great work!

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